Such ladies think they are sharp and wiser than their husband, telling lies that they are selling stuffs, traveling for business, when in actual fact they are SHAMELESS MARRIED WOMEN, sleeping with all kinds of men for money. May God in His mercies deliver good men from such wives. Amen!
Ladies, if you are not ready to be a faithful wife please stay away from marriage and continue you runs life. But if you live in your husband's house and still do this, the end is always bad. See details...
I thought my "good" wife was travelling round selling hair extensions, says shocked Husband
The husband of the Nigerian lady in UK who deputized as a professional prost*tute and met her untimely death has spoken out of how disappointed he is that she deceived him in leading a double life.
The husband, Mr Gareth McGraa, says he had no idea the mother-of-one was working as a call girl as he knew her as a devout Christian. She used to pray a lot, to cover up.
On Thursday, it was reported that a 37-year old Nigerian-born woman, Jessica McGraa, who resides in the UK met her untimely death in a rented flat she reportedly planned to sell s*x for two days.
25-year old Bala Wadzani Chinda, who was accused of the murder and was remanded in custody, appeared at the Aberdeen Sheriff Court.
The shocked husband of the lady who has a 6-year-old child with her before she started claiming too big, has spoken out of his grief at her death.
It has been discovered that she is a prostitute who charges £220 per hour from men. He had thought that Jessica was making money to fund the expensive life she loved by selling hair extensions.
Mr Gareth said: "I honestly believed that she was making her money from hair extensions. She was a very pious girl – she even dragged me to church."
Jessica documented her life of luxury on her social media pages, showing off trips to Italy, Hong Kong and New York along with designer clothes, shoes and handbags. It is understood Jessica only returned to Scotland's oil capital from London a couple of weeks ago, having stayed there for runs.
Mr Gareth who was working as a chief mechanic with Atlantic Drilling in Nigeria in 2005 when he met Jessica in a Port Harcourt, said:
"Coincidentally I was being transferred to Lagos and she was going there at the same time so we travelled together. We were married in Nigeria very shortly after that. Her family were there and we celebrated in Lagos. I knew she was using me for a passport to a certain extent but I felt more than that."
Mr Gareth revealed that he, Jessica and their son enjoyed a family Christmas, spending 5days at a spa hotel. "We had our issuess like couples do but I spoke to her every other day. She was with me for 10 years."
They last spoke on Tuesday, three days before Jessica was found dead in a flat in Aberdeen. Two days ago, police arrived to break the shattering news to Mr Gareth and revealed the shocking truth about Jessica’s double life.
The husband is still shocked. "She liked to be the centre of attention but she wasn’t a girl to put it about - she wasn’t at all like that (or so I thought). When I met her I don’t think she’d had more than a handful of lovers in all her life... She loved the high life and wanted all her dreams to come true tomorrow.
"But she was also a pious person who believed in God. I knew what I was walking into but I really cared for the girl...I thought I knew her and it hurts."

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