
Friday, 9 January 2015

Couple caught having sex on seafront promenade avoid jail as judge calls them "disgusting.

A court heard how Jamie Lynn, 39, and Demelza Lentell, 37, were so drunk that they didn't remember the incident on Penzance promenade in Cornwall.A brazen couple who drunkenly had sex on a seafront promenade in daylight as shocked members of the public looked on in horror have avoided a prison sentence.Demelza Lentell, 37, and Jamie Lynn, 39, partially stripped off and romped in a bus shelter overlooking the sea. Concerned residents called the police to complain after they spotted the pair on Penzance promenade in Cornwall. Lentell, of Liskeard, and Lynn, of Penzance,
Cornwall, pleaded guilty to outraging public decency at Truro Crown Court. They claimed to have no memory of the incident which happened in November. Curtis Lewis, defending Lentell, said she acknowledged her actions were "disgusting and outrageous". He added: "This is a one-off offence. It shocked her because of the nature of the offence and it shocked her that she didn't remember it and just had to accept what the police were telling her and witnesses." Paul Gallagher, defending Lynn, said: "In a fairly short time he lost his family and his home, he admits he was at a low point."On this particular day, feeling particularly bad and low he drank a lot in a short time and has no recollection of his behaviour thereafter. He is not someone who normally drinks." Judge Christopher Harvey Clark said the pair's behaviour was "disgusting". "What I want you to both understand is that engaging in explicit sexual activity in a public place like the promenade in a Cornish town is simply socially unacceptable,


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